Download lagu Maher Zain - Lawlaka Mp3

Maher Zain - Lawlaka

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Listen: 72.364

Duration: 03:56

MP3 size: 2.79 MB

Date: 4 March 2020

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Title :Maher Zain - Lawlaka
Artist :Maher Zain
Duration :03:56
View :72.364
Source :YouTube
Type of file :Audio/Video (.mp3 .mp4)

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Lirik: Maher Zain - Lawlaka

اللهم تقبَّلنا
[O Allah accept us]
بجميلِ هُداك أعِنّا
[With your beautiful guidance help us]
يا ذا الأسماءِ الحُسنى
[O Lord of Beautiful Names]
أُلطف ربي بهذا القلب
[Have pity my Lord on my poor heart]
لولاكَ لما كُنّا نَدعوك وما آمنّا
[If it weren't for Your grace we wouldn't have supplicated to you, nor would we have believed]
نُحسنُ بك ربي الظنَّ
[We have a good opinion of You (and hope for your mercy), O Lord!]
فاستخدِمنا لك يا رب
[So utilise us in Your service, O Lord!]
استخدِمنا لك يا رب
[Utilise us in Your service, O Lord!]

هل من سائلٍ فأعطيَهُ
["Is there a supplicant, so that I grant him his wishes?"]
يسألُنا الله
[Allah asks us]
سبحانهُ تعالى ما أكرمهُ
[Glorified is He, how Generous He is!]
جلَّ في عُلاه
[Exalted is He]
سبحان الله
[Allah is Glorified]

نسألُك هُدانا ... هُدانا
[We ask You to guide us ... to guide us!]
فاقبلْ مولانا ... مولانا
[So please accept us, our Lord … our Lord!]
يا من تَسمعُنا و ترانا
[You Who can hear and see us]
استخدِمنا لك يا رب
[Utilise us in Your service, O Lord!]
استخدِمنا لك يا رب
[Utilise us in Your service, O Lord!]

اللهم تقبَّلنا
[O Allah accept us]
بجميلِ هُداك أعِنّا
[With your beautiful guidance help us]
يا ذا الأسماءِ الحُسنى
[O Lord of Beautiful Names]
أُلطف ربي بهذا القلب
[Have pity my Lord on my poor heart]
لولاكَ لما كُنّا نَدعوك وما آمنّا
[If it weren't for Your grace we wouldn't have supplicated to you, nor would we have believed]
نُحسنُ بك ربي الظنَّ
[We have a good opinion of You (and hope for your mercy), O Lord!]
فاستخدِمنا لك يا رب
[So utilise us in Your service, O Lord!]
استخدِمنا لك يا رب
[Utilise us in Your service, O Lord!]

تمّمتُ دعائي لك ربي
[I end my prayer to You, my Lord…]
قائلا آمين
[by saying, "Amen"]
لا ريبَ أنك الواحدُ يا مُجيبي
[There is no doubt that You are the Only One, O You who answers my prayers]
لا سواكَ يُعين
[None beside You can help me]
قلتُها بيقين
[I say this with all my conviction]

نسألُك هُدانا ... هُدانا
[We ask You to guide us ... to guide us!]
فاقبلْ مولانا ... مولانا
[So please accept us, our Lord … our Lord!]
يا من تَسمعُنا و ترانا
[You Who can hear and see us]
استخدِمنا لك يا رب
[Utilise us in Your service, O Lord!]
استخدِمنا لك يا رب
[Utilise us in Your service, O Lord!]

اللهم تقبَّلنا
[O Allah accept us]
بجميلِ هُداك أعِنّا
[With your beautiful guidance help us]
يا ذا الأسماءِ الحُسنى
[O Lord of Beautiful Names]
أُلطف ربي بهذا القلب
[Have pity my Lord on my poor heart]
لولاكَ لما كُنّا نَدعوك وما آمنّا
[If it weren't for Your grace we wouldn't have supplicated to you, nor would we have believed]
نُحسنُ بك ربي الظنَّ
[We have a good opinion of You (and hope for your mercy), O Lord!]
فاستخدِمنا لك يا رب
[So utilise us in Your service, O Lord!]
استخدِمنا لك يا رب
[Utilise us in Your service, O Lord!]

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